Tag: agricultural area
FAQ about paraquat litigation
Most people may have never heard of paraquat unless they work in a farm environment, but chemical agents can have a serious impact on your health if you are exposed to it. Although there are studies that describe how toxic paraquat for humans, especially when they are exposed for a long time, are still used today in many environments. Fortunately for victims who have been harmed by paraquat exposure, there is delayed litigation that might give you compensation for suffering compensation. If you want to learn more, just read for the FAQ of the current paraquat litigation.
What Is Paraquat?
Before entering the details of the delayed paraquat litigation, you must make sure you understand what it is paraquat. Paraquat is a chemical agent commonly used as a herbicide. Its use in agriculture was popularized in the 20th century, but since then, 30 countries have banned its use. In the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency has stated that the use of paraquat is not permitted in residential areas, but paraquat is still widely used in agricultural and rural areas, placing many people at risk.
What Is The Current Litigation Involving Paraquat About?
Litigation is currently centred around the claim that those who are exposed to paraquat have a high risk of being diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease later. The research writers were conducted in 2011 by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) exploring the toxicity of paraquat to find that two and a half times more likely to develop Parkinson’s disease later after being exposed to paraquat or rotenone, which is similar. herbicide.
What Is Parkinson’s Disease?
Parkinson’s disease is a chronic and progressive neurological disease that affects the specific parts of nerve cells in the brain. These cells usually produce dopamine, but Parkinson’s causes these cells to die, which can affect body movements. You might hear the term “Parkinsonism” which is used alternately with Parkinson’s disease, but Parkinsonism refers to any condition with pathology similar to Parkinson’s, with symptoms such as tremor, muscle stiffness, and change. Parkinson’s is considered the most common form of Parkinsonism.
There is currently no cure for Parkinson’s disease, but there are drugs that can help slow the development of the disease and help with symptom management. In some cases, surgery can be advised to regulate certain parts of the brain, which can also help alleviate your symptoms. If you experience symptoms that can be an indication of Parkinson’s, the best is to see a doctor as soon as possible.
Are You Eligible To File A Claim?
Your feasibility will depend on several factors, but if you or someone you love have received a diagnosis of Parkinson’s after the exposure to paraquat, you must contact the lawyer immediately, especially if your exposure is due to your workplace or proximity to the agricultural area where the paraquat is used. You should not allow fear of the cost of stopping you from seeking justice, because personal injury lawyers usually work based on contingency costs. Under this setting, the cost is paid as a percentage of your final assessment or solution.
Anyone who lives near rural or agriculture or works in the agricultural industry must be aware of the risks and dangers associated with paraquat. Research shows that it can significantly increase your risk of exposed parkinsonism, which is a lifetime and does not have medicine. If you have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and believes that you might have been exposed to paraquat, you can be entitled to financial compensation to cover the damage associated with that exposure. Need to set up a free consultation with a qualified lawyer to discuss your feasibility to file lawsuit paraquat.
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